Kine-Gate Systems a Division of Kinefac® Corporation

156 Goddard Memorial Drive, Worcester, MA 01603-1260

Kine-Gate Systems is a division of Kinefac® Corporation (an ISO certified company) which has set the highest standards possible for nearly 50 years in the design and manufacturing of various industrial metal forming machinery, hydraulically operate and electronically controlled equipment, found in fields such as automotive, aerospace, medical devices, nuclear power, and wind turbines.

Tel: 508-754-6902

Fax: 508-754-9139


We offer professional seminars

Kine-Gate Systems is a division of Kinefac® Corporation (an ISO certified company) which has set the highest standards possible for nearly 50 years in the design and manufacturing of various industrial metal forming machinery, hydraulically operate and electronically controlled equipment, found in fields such as automotive, aerospace, medical devices, nuclear power, and wind turbines.
Kine-Gate Systems is a division of Kinefac® Corporation (an ISO certified company) which has set the highest standards possible for nearly 50 years in the design and manufacturing of various industrial metal forming machinery, hydraulically operate and electronically controlled equipment, found in fields such as automotive, aerospace, medical devices, nuclear power, and wind turbines.
Your Single Source For Integrated High Performance Gate Systems